The Department of New Drug Research and Development (R&D) in the Institute of Materia Medica is a comprehensive department that focuses on the R&D of new drugs and generic drugs. The department is staffed with more than 30 scientists, technicians and graduate students with diverse backgrounds such as computational chemistry, medicinal chemistry, analytical chemistry and pharmaceutics. It has established a well-equipped platform for drug R&D. The department is equipped with advanced instruments for synthesis, crystallization process, analytical, and pharmaceutical research.
The department has discovered and developed several new drug candidates such as Pinocerin for the treatment of stroke, IMM-H007 for the treatment of the Hyperlipidemia, IMM-H014 for the treatment of Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, and ZXT-4-23 for the treatment of the drug-resistant bacterial infections. The department has also worked together with pharmaceutical industries for the development of generic drugs. More than 30 generic drugs certificates have been granted by the China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) or National Medical Products Administration (NMPA), such as Ondansetron hydrochloride, Exemestane, Nateglinide, etc .
In addition, the department was engaged in several applied and basic pharmacy research projects supported by aational and local Programsand Funds of China. More than 100 papers have been published in peer-reviewed journals, and more than 30 patents applications have been field.
Main research interests:
1) New drug R&D: discovery and structural optimization of lead compounds for novel targets and major diseases, computer-aided drug design and artificial intelligence for drug discovery, structural modification of natural products, druggability evaluation of new chemicals.
2) Novel chemical processing of drug synthesis and green chemistry.
3) New technologies and methods for pharmaceutical analysis.
4) R&D of drug formulations.