On May 27, Permanent Secretary of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Professor Staffan Normark visited Institute of Materia Medica (IMM) along with his colleagues from Karolinska Institute, Professor Birgitta Henriques-Normark, Professor Mikael Rhen and associate Professor Peter Mellroth. They were welcome at IMM by the institute director Professor JIANG Jiandong.

The Swedish visitors are specialized in bacterial antibiotics resistance, which is becoming a world-wide issue. National Natural Science Foundation of China and Sweden Research Council established a collaborative program in 2013 to encourage scientists from both countries to make joined-up effort to curb the crisis, and a project was granted with Professors JIANG Jiandong and Birgitta Henriques-Normark in charge to lead research teams from both sides while Professor QIN Hailin from IMM is one of the major participants. The visit enabled the teams involved in the collaboration to review their research progress and to make future plans coordinately. Professor JIANG also took Swedish scientists for a tour at IMM Department of Natural Medicinal Chemistry, particularly Professor Qin's lab which focuses on searching for antibacterial components of traditional Chinese medicines.