On May 29, a delegation from Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) visited Institute of Materia Medica (IMM). The delegation was led by RFBR president Vladislav Ya. Panchenko, a member of Russian Academy of Sciences, and the members include Dr. Sharov Alexander Nikolayevich, Head of the International Relations Office of RFBR, Ms. Maria K. Baktysheva, director of the Department of Bilateral International Cooperation, and Mr. Yury Kashirin, third secretary of Russian Embassy. Mr. XU Jin, program officer of Bureau of International Cooperation, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) accompanied the delegation. Professor DU Guanhua, Vice Dean of Institutes of Pharmaceutical Sciences welcomed Russian visitors.

Professor DU Guanhua gave an introduction of Institutes of Pharmaceutical Sciences, and expressed the expectation that increasing support from both NSFC and RFBR can strengthen Sino-Russian cooperation in pharmaceutical research. Dr. Sharov Alexander Nikolayevich introduced grant application and support of RFBR along with Sino-Russian cooperation projects. Mr. XU Jin introduced the existing cooperation between NSFC and RBRF in recent years. During the meeting, drug development, journal publication, and graduate education were discussed, and the delegation visited some labs at IMM.