"Workshop on Chemistry and Biology of Microtubules and Microtubule-interacting Agents" took place on 8-9 November 2011 in Beijing, which was hosted by Key Laboratory of Biosynthesis of Natural Products, Ministry of Health of China. Professor Wei-Shuo Fang and Professor Ping Zhu co-chaired the meeting.
The issues in Workshop were about microtubule dynamics, microtubule-associated proteins, discovery of microtubule-interacting agents, and the structure-activity relationship for these agents, etc. Invited speakers presented hot topics of the confluence in the interface of chemistry and biology, together with the use of new technologies and methods.
Professors Joëlle Dubois from CNRS, Jose Andreu and Fernando Diaz from the Spanish National Council for Science, Klaus Pors from University of Bradford, Jun-Min Pan from Tsinghua University, Jack Tuszynski from University of Alberta, Karl-Heinz Altmann from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Maria Kavallris from University of New South Wales, and Federico Gago from Spanish Alcala University were invited to give speeches. Dr. Yuan Ren from Nankai University, Dr. Shao-Rong Wang from Institute of Materia Medica, and Dr. Xiao-Feng Wang from Military Medical Science Academy participated the workshop via internet and shared with their opinions.
A "meet-the-expert" section was held by the professors from Spanish, France, and England to further discuss about the microtubule and postgraduate education system in European countries with young scientists.