Three journals sponsored by IMM increased their impact factor of 2020The Clarivate Analytics has officially released the 2020 citation metrics in its annual Web of Science Journal Citation Reports (JCR) on June 30th, 2021. We are pleased to announce that Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B (APSB), Chinese Chemical Letters (CCL) and Journal of Asian Natural Products Research (JANPR) are included and increased their impact factor from 2019. APSB was ranked NO. 9 (Q1 quartile) among 276 journals in Pharmacology & Pharmacy with an impact factor of 11.614. The impact factor o...2021-07-08
State Key Laboratory of Bioactive Substance and Function of Natural Medicines holds the International Forum on Natural ProductsThe International Forum on Natural Products held by State Key Laboratory of Bioactive Substance and Function of Natural Medicines and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) was held during Aug. 31- Sep. 2, 2018. The central theme of the forum is Natural Products Chemistry and Drug Discovery. The opening ceremony of the forum was moderated by Professor YU Shishan. The over one hundred and fifty global experts attended to exchange cutting edge knowledge and approaches on natural p...2018-09-14
The International Symposium on Key Technologies and Standards of Pharmacodynamic Evaluation on Cardiovascular, Neurodegenerative Diseases and Diabetes Complications was successfully held in BeijingThe International Symposium on Key Technologies and Standards of Pharmacodynamic Evaluation on Cardiovascular, Neurodegenerative Diseases and Diabetes Complications was successfully held in Beijing from October 9 to 11, 2015. This symposium was sponsored by Institute of Materia Medica and co-organized by the State Key Laboratory of Bioactive Substance and Function of Natural Medicines and Beijing Key Laboratory of New Drug Mechanisms and Pharmacological Evaluation Study. The chairman of the symp...2015-12-21
The delegation of Duke University visited Institute of Materia MedicaOn June 25, the delegation of Duke University visited Institute of Materia Medica (IMM). The delegation was led by Lisa Bourget, the director of Strategy and Partnership Development, Duke Medicine Global. The members included Suresh Balu, Director of Duke Institute for Health Innovation, Arthur Huang, Project Manager of Duke Medicine Global, Xian Ying, assistant professor of Duke Clinic Research Institute, and Cameron Musler, Business Strategy Intern. Jiang Jiandong, Director of IMM, Chen Xiaogu...2015-09-11
The delegation of Russian Foundation for Basic Research visited Institute of Materia MedicaOn May 29, a delegation from Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) visited Institute of Materia Medica (IMM). The delegation was led by RFBR president Vladislav Ya. Panchenko, a member of Russian Academy of Sciences, and the members include Dr. Sharov Alexander Nikolayevich, Head of the International Relations Office of RFBR, Ms. Maria K. Baktysheva, director of the Department of Bilateral International Cooperation, and Mr. Yury Kashirin, third secretary of Russian Embassy. Mr. XU Jin, pr...2015-06-06
Targeting AMPK: Basic Research and Drug Discovery—The 1st Beijing International Conference"Targeting AMPK: Basic Research and Drug Discovery—The 1st Beijing International Conference" was held on Nov 5-6, 2014. It was sponsored by Beijing Pharmacological Society and co-organized by the State Key Laboratory of Bioactive Substance and Function of Natural Medicines at Institute of Material Medica (IMM) and the editorial office of Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B (APSB). This meeting attracted over 200 participants. Over 10 research scientists presented their work in the meeting, following th...2015-01-04
Permanent Secretary of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Professor Staffan Normark visited Institute of Materia MedicaOn May 27, Permanent Secretary of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Professor Staffan Normark visited Institute of Materia Medica (IMM) along with his colleagues from Karolinska Institute, Professor Birgitta Henriques-Normark, Professor Mikael Rhen and associate Professor Peter Mellroth. They were welcome at IMM by the institute director Professor JIANG Jiandong. The Swedish visitors are specialized in bacterial antibiotics resistance, which is becoming a world-wide issue. National Nat...2014-06-06
International Cooperation OverviewA wide partnership for science and technology has been build with pharmaceutical companies, universities and research institutes of more than 30 countries. Prof. Chun-Tao Che and Prof. Gregory Rj Thatcher, who came from the Dept. of Medicinal Chemistry & Pharmacognosy, College of Pharmacy, University of Illinois-Chicago, visited IMM in June, 2011. IMM and Taisho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd held the 45th Regular Meeting in the assembly room of IMM on November 5-6, 2012. The delegacy of France ...2013-12-05
Paving an avenue for innovative drug R&D in ChinaIn order to implement the spirit of national science and technology innovation conference, and focus on building business-oriented, market-oriented innovative drug R&D system. On March 27, 2013, Institutes of Pharmaceutical Science (IPS) and Institute of Materia Medica (IMM) of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences organized the conference "Paving an avenue for innovative drug R&D in China" at Beijing. The vice-president of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Zhan Qimin hosted the meeting. Sa...2013-04-01
Portuguese Minister of Science &Technology and Education visited IMMFebruary 25, 2013, the Portuguese Minister of Science & Technology and Education Nuno Crato headed a delegation to visit IMM. Accompanied by the president, Jiang Jiandong and vice president, Yu Shishan, the delegation visited some research departments. Dr. Jiang Jiandong introduced the overall situation of IMM and the scientific and technological achievements in recent years. The two sides discussed the related issues in a warm and friendly atmosphere.2013-02-27