
贾美荣研究员分别在山东大学和Iowa State University取得学士、硕士和博士学位,在University of California, Davis 完成博士后研究。目前兼任《Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines》,《Physical Science & Biophysics Journal》和《International Journal of Analytical and Bioanalytical Methods》青年编委, 《Molecular Plant》科学编辑。自2021年3月,作为中国医学科学院“高层次引进人才”,到北京协和医学院bobapp官方中国有限公司 工作,任课题组长。迄今在ACS Catalysis, Metabolic Engineering, PNAS, Nature Communications 等国际著名期刊发表研究论文和论著20余篇。

1. 基于整合组学的活性天然产物的功能基因元件挖掘和生物功能鉴定
2. 基于计算机模拟和量子化学计算的生物酶催化机制阐明和功能设计改造
3. 基于多元底盘的天然产物及中间体的高效异源生产和结构衍生化

1. Jasmonic acid transport in wound-induced systemic immunity. Jia M. Molecular Plant. 2020, 13:1673.
2. Switching on a nontraditional enzymatic base–deprotonation by serine in the ent-kaurene synthase from Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Jia M#, Zhang Y#, Siegel JB, Tantillo DJ, Peters RJ. ACS Catal. 2019, 9:8867.
3. Combinatorial biosynthesis and the basis for substrate promiscuity in class I diterpene synthases. Jia M, Mishra S, Tufts S, Jernigan R, Peters RJ. Metab Eng. 2019, 55:44.
4. Changing face: A key residue for the addition of water by sclareol synthase. Jia M, O’Brien TE, Zhang Y, Siegel JB, Tantillo DJ, Peters RJ. ACS Catal. 2018, 8:3133.
5. Extreme promiscuity of a bacterial and a plant diterpene synthase enables combinatorial biosynthesis. Jia M, Potter KC, Peters RJ. Metab Eng. 2016, 37:24.
6. A pair of residues that interactively affect diterpene synthase product outcome. Jia M, Zhou K, Tufts S, Schulte S, Peters RJ.ACS Chem. Biol. 2017, 12:862.
7. Extending a single residue switch for abbreviating catalysis in plant ent-kaurene synthases. Jia M, Peters RJ. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2016, 7:1765.
8. Cis or Trans with class II diterpene cyclases. Jia M, Peters RJ. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 2017, 15:3158.
9. Probing the promiscuity of ent-kaurene oxidases via combinatorial biosynthesis. Mafu S, Jia M, Zi J, Morrone D, Wu Y, Xu M, Hillwig ML, Peters RJ Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2016, 113:2526.
10. Premutilin synthase: Ring rearrangement by a Class II diterpene cyclase. Xu M, Jia M, Hong YJ, Yin X, Tantillo DJ, Proteau PJ, Peters RJ. Org Lett. 2018, 20:1200.
11. Product rearrangement from altering a single residue in the rice syn-copalyl diphosphate synthase. Potter KC, Jia M, Hong YJ, Tantillo DJ. Org Lett. 2016, 18:1060.
12. Genome of Tripterygium wilfordii and identification of cytochrome P450 involved in triptolide biosynthesis. Tu L, Su P, Zhang Z, Gao L, Wang J, Hu T, Zhou J, Zhang Y, Zhao Y, Liu Y, Song Y, Tong Y, Lu Y, Yang J, Xu C, Jia M, Peters RJ, Huang L, Gao W. Nat Commun. 2020, 11:971.

1. Zhang Y, Jia M, Gao W. Synthetic Biology of Active Compounds. In book: Molecular Pharmacognosy, second edition. Edited by Luqi Huang, Springer press. Chapter 9, 2019, 267-292. Print ISBN 978-981-32-9033-4.
2. Yang J, Jia M, Guo J. Functional Genome of Medicinal Plants. In book: Molecular Pharmacognosy, second edition. Edited by Luqi Huang, Springer press. Chapter 7, 2019, 191-234. Print ISBN 978-981-32-9033-4.
