
厉欣 理学博士,副研究员,硕士生导师。多年来一直从事质谱分析新技术和新方法研究。主要包括:基于精细化质谱测量的天然活性产物药代、药理与毒理研究; 天然药物活性物质及其功能的原位测量与表征; 疾病相关代谢标志物的筛选、验证与转化应用;药物化学/生物合成反应过程的质谱在线监测和反应机理研究;原位质谱测量新技术与相关装置的研发。在Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., PNAS, Adv. Sci., Anal. Chem., Analyst, J. Proteome Res.等期刊上发表质谱研究相关的SCI论文50余篇,已有3项国家发明专利和2项美国发明专利获得授权,获2002年北京市科学技术奖二等奖1次。学术兼职:北京质谱学会理事,第一届全国仪器分析测试标准化技术委员会委员。

质谱测量新技术及其在医药研发中的应用 1)基于精细化测量的中枢神经系统药物体内代谢与分布、药效与毒性及其作用机制研究; 2)重大疾病相关潜在功能代谢特征的识别、空间定位与注释研究; 3)微生物相互作用下次生代谢特征的测量与应用; 4)基于原位质谱测量的恶性肿瘤精准诊疗研究。 5)高灵敏和高选择性的质谱测量新技术与新方法研究。

1. 化学衍生用于代谢物异构体质谱分析(综述)。王子璇,厉欣∗,再帕尔•阿不力孜。《化学进展》,2021,33(3):406-416。 2. 空气动力辅助离子化质谱组织涂片分析用于胶质瘤基因状态的快速判别。王子璇,张雅馨,回相宜,张扬,沈慧聪,季楠,贺玖明,张瑞萍,厉欣*,马强*,再帕尔•阿不力孜。《分析测试学报》,2021,40(2):263-269。 3. A novel sandwich method to prepare robust SPME polymer coating on glass slide with controllable thickness for direct analysis through fluorescence and MS imaging. A Yasenc, T. Muhammad*, W. Yang, M. Qadir, M. Wang, X. Li, X. Yang, Z Abliz, S. Piletsky. Prog. Org. Coat., 2021,151, 106076. 4. Virtual calibration quantitative mass spectrometry imaging for accurately mapping analytes across heterogeneous bio-tissue. X. Song, J. He, X. Pang, J. Zhang, C. Sun, L. Huang, C. Li, Q. Zang, X. Li, Z. Luo, R. Zhang, P. Xie, X. Liu, Y. Li, X. Chen, Z. Abliz*. Anal. Chem., 2019, 91 (4): 2838-2846. 5. Spatially resolved metabolomics to discover tumor-associated metabolic alterations. C. Sun, T. Li, X. Song, L. Huang, Q. Zang, J. Xu, N. Bi, G. Jiao, Y. Hao, Y. Chen, R. Zhang, Z. Luo, X. Li, L. Wang, Z. Wang, Y. Song, J. He*, Z. Abliz*. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., 2019, 116(1): 52-57. 6. Whole-body spatially-resolved metabolomics method for profiling the metabolic differences of epimer drug candidates using ambient mass spectrometry imaging. Z. Luo, D. Liu, X. Pang, W. Yang, J. He, R. Zhang, C. Zhu, Y. Chen, X. Li, J. Zhang, J. Shi, Z. Abliz*. Talanta, 2019, 202, 198-206. 7. A sensitive and wide coverage ambient mass spectrometry imaging method for functional metabolites based molecular histology. J. He, C. Sun, T. Li, Z. Luo, L. Huang, X. Song, X. Li, Z. Abliz*. Adv. Sci., 2018, 5(11): 1800250. 8. MassImager: A software for interactive and in-depth analysis of mass spectrometry imaging data. J. He, L. Huang, R. Tian, T. Li, C. Sun, X. Song, Y. Lv, Z. Luo, X. Li, Z. Abliz*. Anal. Chim. Acta, 2018, 1015: 50-57. 9. Quantitative analysis of drug distribution by ambient mass spectrometry imaging method with signal extinction normalization strategy and inkjet-printing technology. Z. Luo, J. He, J. He, L. Huang, X. Song, X. Li, Z. Abliz*. Talanta, 2018, 179, 230-237. 10. In situ Hydrogel Conditioning of Tissue Samples to Enhance the Drug’s Sensitivity in Ambient Mass Spectrometry Imaging. X. Song, Z. Luo, X. Li, T. Li, Z. Wang, C. Sun, L. Huang, P. Xie, X. Liu, J. He, Z. Abliz*. Anal. Chem., 2017, 89, 6318-6323. 11. Functionalization of saturated hydrocarbons using nitrogen ion insertion reactions in mass spectrometry. X. Li, X. Yan, R.G. Cooks*. Int. J. Mass Spectrom., 2017, 418, 79-85. 12. Ambient Ionization Mass Spectrometry Measurement of Aminotransferase Activity. X. Yan, X. Li, C. Zhang, Y. Xu, R.G. Cooks*. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 2017, 28, 1175-1181. 13. On-line reaction monitoring and mechanistic studies by mass spectrometry: Negishi cross-coupling, hydrogenolysis and reductive amination. X. Yan, Ewa Sokol, X. Li, G. Li, R.G. Cooks*. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2014, 53, 5931-5935. 14. Chemical reactivity assessment using reactive paper spray mass spectrometry: Katritzky reaction. ChemPlusChem., X. Yan, R. Augusti, X. Li, R.G. Cooks*. 2013, 78, 1142-1148. 15. Carbon–Carbon bond activation in saturated hydrocarbons by field-Assisted nitrogen fixation. G. Li†, X. Li†, Z. Ouyang, R.G. Cooks*. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2013, 152, 1040-1043. (†共同第一作者) 16. Direct analysis of steviol glycosides from Stevia leaves by ambient ionization mass spectrometry performed on whole leaves. J.I. Zhang†, X. Li†, Z. Ouyang, R.G. Cooks*. Analyst, 2012, 137, 3091-3098. (†共同第一作者)

1. “一种用于生物样品快速分析鉴定的装置系统及其应用和方法”。厉欣,再帕尔•阿不力孜,贺玖明,张瑞萍,回相宜,王子璇。国家发明专利,申请号:202010588489.4 2. “一种用于制备模拟组织薄片的装置及其制备方法”。再帕尔•阿不力孜,宋肖炜,贺玖明,厉欣,孙成龙,罗志刚,李铁钢,黄罗娇。国家发明专利,授权公告号CN108693002B 3. “Synchronization of ion generation with cycling of a discontinuous atmospheric interface”. R.G. Cooks, J.X. Duncan, G. Hung, G. Li, X. Yan, E. Sokol, X. Li. US Patent, US 9,184,036,B2. 4. “用于样品分析的系统和方法”。罗伯特•格雷厄姆•库克斯,李光涛,厉欣,欧阳证。国家发明专利,授权公告号CN103415909B. 5. “Systems and methods for sample analysis”. R.G. Cooks, G.T. Li, X. Li, Z. Ouyang. US Patent, US 9,165,752 B2. 6. “类金刚石碳膜作为基质在激光解吸离子化质谱中的应用”。邹汉法, 厉欣, 张宇。国家发明专利, 授权公告号CN101846650B. 7. “组氨酸在血液净化亲合吸附介质中的应用”。邹汉法, 罗权舟, 孔亮, 厉欣。国家发明专利, CN100371034C.

1. 2002年 “肿瘤细胞多药耐药的新特性及调控机制的探索”,王玉芝,张开泰,谢玲,付东,李勇,厉欣,张彦彬,徐勤生,史兆兴。北京市科学技术二等奖,北京市科学技术委员会。
