
刘艾林,博士,研究员,博士生导师,PI。博士毕业于澳门大学。1995年至今在bobapp官方下载 工作。1998-2000年参与筹建了国家药物筛选中心。自2004年起参与国家人口与健康科学数据共享平台建设工作。2018年-2019年在美国Purdue University访问。兼任中国民族医药学会药理与毒理学分会理事等社会职务。 承担国家重大新药创制专项、国自然基金等项目20余项,参与国家级项目多项。基于这些基金项目,发表研究论文100余篇,其中SCI收录论文80余篇,参与编写专著20余部,申请专利40余项。获得北京市科学技术奖2项,中华医学科技奖3项,个人奖励多项。


1. Mengwu Xiao#, Lvjie Xu#, Ding Lin, Wenwen Lian, Manying Cui, Meng Zhang, Xiaowei Yan, Shuishi Li, Jun Zhao, Jiao Ye, Ailin Liu*, Aixi Hu*. Design, synthesis, and bioassay of 4-thiazolinone derivatives as influenza neuraminidase inhibitors[J]. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2021 Mar 5;213:113161.
2. Xu L#, Jiang W#, Jia H, Zheng L, Xing J, Liu A*, Du G*. Discovery of Multitarget-Directed Ligands Against Influenza A Virus From Compound Yizhihao Through a Predictive System for Compound-Protein Interactions. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2020 Feb 11;10:16. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2020.00016.
3. Chen A, Liang Y, Ye J, Hu A*, Lian W, Liu A*, Du G. Synthesis of Chalcone Derivatives Containing Furan or/and Pyran Ring as Neuraminidase Inhibitors. Chem Res Chinese Universities, 2019, 35(3):395-402.
4. Li C, Xu LJ, Lian WW, Pang XC, Jia H, Liu AL*, Du GH*. Anti-influenza effect and action mechanisms of the chemical constituent gallocatechin-7-gallate from Pithecellobium clypearia Benth. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2018, 39(12):1913-1922.
5. Liu J*#, Zu M#, Chen K, Gao L, Min H, Zhuo W, Chen W, Liu A*. Screening of neuraminidase inhibitory activities of some medicinal plants traditionally used in Lingnan Chinese medicines. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2018, 18(1):102. doi: 10.1186/s12906-018-2173-1.
6. Liu J*, Zu M, Chen K, Gao L, Min H, Zhou W, Chen W, and Liu A*. Screening of neuraminidase inhibitory activities of some medicinal plants traditionally used in Lingnan Chinese medicines. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2018, 18:102. https://doi.org/10.1186/ s12906-018-2173-1.
7. Li C, Song X, Song J, Pang X, Wang Z, Zhang Y, Lian W, Liu A*, Du G*. Pharmacokinetic study of gallocatechin-7-gallate from Pithecellobiumclypearia Benth. in rats. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B, 2016, 6(1): 64-70.
8. Zu M#, Li C#, Fang JS, Lian WW, Liu AL*, Zheng LS*, Du GH*. Drug discovery of host CLK1 inhibitors for influenza treatment. Molecules, 2015, 20, 19735–19747.
9. Zhang B, Zhao J, Wang Z, Guo P, Liu A* and Du G*. Identification of Multi-Target Anti-ADChemical Constituents From Traditional Chinese Medicine Formulae by Integrating Virtual Screening and In Vitro Validation. Front. Pharmacol., 2021, 12:709607. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2021.709607.
10. Zhou W, Lian WW, Yan R, Jia H, Xu LJ, Wang L, Liu AL*, Du GH*. DL0410 ameliorates cognitive deficits in APP/PS1 transgenic mice by promoting synaptic transmission and reducing neuronal loss. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2020, 41(5):599-611.
11. Lian WW, Zhou W, Zhang BY, Jia H, Xu LJ, Liu AL*, Du GH*. DL0410 ameliorates cognitive disorder in SAMP8 mice by promoting mitochondrial dynamics and the NMDAR-CREB-BDNF pathway. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2020 Aug 31. doi:10.1038/s41401-020-00506-2.
12. Zhang B, Zhao J, Wang Z, Xu L, Liu A*, Du G*. DL0410 attenuates oxidative stress and neuroinflammation via BDNF/TrkB/ERK/CREB and Nrf2/HO-1 activation. Int Immunopharmacol. 2020 Jul 6;86:106729. doi: 10.1016/j.intimp.2020.106729.
13. Pang X#, Zhang B#, Mu G, Xia J, Xiang Q, Zhao X, Liu A*, Du G*, Cui Y*. Screening of cytochrome P450 3A4 inhibitors via in silico and in vitro approaches. RSC Adv, 2018, 8, 34783-34792.
14. Pang X, Zhao Y, Song J, Kang, Wu S, Wang L, Liu A*, Du G*. Pharmacokinetics, excretion and metabolites analysis of DL0410, a dual acting cholinesterase inhibitor and histamine 3 receptor antagonist. Mol Med Rep. 2019, 20: 1103-1112.
15. Pang X, Fu W, Wang J, Kang D, Xu L, Zhao Y, Liu AL*, Du GH*. Identification of estrogen receptor α antagonists from natural products By virtual screening approaches. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2018, 2018: 6040149. doi:10.1155/2018/6040149.
16. Pang XC, Kang D, Fang JS, Zhao Y, Xu VJ, Lian WW, Liu AL*, Du GH*. Network pharmacology-based analysis of Chinese herbal Naodesheng formula for application to Alzheimer’s Disease. Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines, 2018, 16(1): 0053-0062.
17. Lian W, Fang J, Xu L, Zhou W, Kang D, Xiong W, Jia H, Liu AL*, Du GH*. DL0410 Ameliorates Memory and Cognitive Impairments Induced by Scopolamine via Increasing Cholinergic Neurotransmission in Mice. Molecules. 2017, 22(3), 410. pii: E410.
18. Lian W, Jia H, Xu L, Zhou W, Kang D, Liu A*, Du G*. Multi-Protection of DL0410 in Ameliorating Cognitive Defects in D-Galactose Induced Aging Mice. Front Aging Neurosci. 2017, 9:409. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2017.00409.
19. Fang J, Wang L, Li Y, Lian W, Pang X, Wang H, Yuan D, Wang Q*, Liu AL*, Du GH*. AlzhCPI: A knowledge base for predicting chemical-protein interactions towards Alzheimer's disease. PLoS One. 2017 May 25;12(5):e0178347. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0178347. eCollection 2017.
20. Pang X, Zhao Y, Wang J, Li W, Xiang Q, Zhang Z, Wu S, Liu AL*, Cui YM* and Du GH*. Competing endogenous RNA and co-expression network analysis for identification of potential biomarkers and therapeutics in association with metastasis risk and progression of prostate cancer. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2019, 2019:8265958.
21. Zhang BY, Zheng YF, Pang XC, Wang Z, Ding H, Liu AL*. Network Pharmacology based Study of the Active Constituents of Chinese Medicinal Formulae for Antitumor Mechanism. World J Tradit Chin Med, 2018, 4(2):43-53.
22. Kang D, Pang X, Lian W, Xu L, Wang,J, Jia H, Zhang B, Liu AL*, Du GH*. Discovery of VEGFR2 inhibitors by integrating naıve Bayesian classification, molecular docking and drug screening approaches. RSC Advances, 2018, 8: 5286- 5297.

5、 Natural Small Molecule Drugs from Plants. Springer, 2018.
6、 Dietary Phytochemicals and Microbes. Compiled Chapter 3 (pp33-126). Springer sciences, Business Media Dordrecht, 2012.

1. 刘艾林,谭文杰,郑丽舒,许律捷,赵君,吴松,康洁,张文轩,叶飞,郭鹏飞,李超,贾皓,杜冠华。没食子儿茶素-7-没食子酸酯在抗冠状病毒药物中的用途。申请日期:2021年3月15日,申请号:202110276445.2。
2. 刘艾林,吴松,杜冠华,王冬梅,方坚松,周围,连雯雯,庞晓丛。金雀异黄酮衍生物在多靶点改善学习记忆障碍中的作途,申请日期:2016年12月26日,申请号:2016112071083
3. 杜冠华,吴松,刘艾林,周丹,王冬梅,冯章英,李莉,刘前,一个异黄酮衍生物的多靶点作用及其改善学习记忆用途,专利号:ZL201310113150.9,授权日期:2019年1月1日。
4. 秦海林,方莲花,张志辉,刘艾林,邓安珺,袁天翊,于金倩,李志宏,杜冠华。黄连碱衍生物、其合成方法及其抗肿瘤的药物用途,专利号:ZL201210411739.2,授权公告日:2016年09月14日。
5. 刘艾林,杜冠华,王琳,高梅,宫丽丽。对乙、丁酰胆碱酯酶具有双重抑制活性的化合物及其用途。专利号:ZL 200710107604.6。

1. 2011 年,“天然产物的生物活性评价研究”获得中华医学科技奖,叁等奖, 主要完成人:杜冠华, 刘艾林,张天泰,王月华,张莉,方莲花,陈若云,秦海林。
2. 2009 年,“新型高通量药物筛选用蛋白质芯片技术的研究与应用” 获北京市科学技术奖,贰等奖。主要完成人:杜冠华,周勇,张天泰,高峰, 刘艾林,方莲花,张莉,胡娟娟,王月华,何国荣。
3. 2002年,“高通量药物筛选技术体系的研究与应用” 获北京市科学技术奖,贰等奖,主要完成人:杜冠华,王晓良,胡娟娟, 刘艾林,黄家学,尚念勇,孙缅恩,张莉,肖玉霞。
4. 2002 年,“高通量药物筛选技术体系的研究与应用”获中华医学科技奖,叁等奖。主要完成人:杜冠华,王晓良,胡娟娟, 刘艾林,黄家学,尚念勇,孙缅恩,张莉。
5. 2018 年,“天然产物成药性评价技术创新及应用”于 获得中华医学科技奖,叁等奖。主要完成人:杜冠华,王月华,方莲花,吕扬,张莉,杨秀颖, 刘艾林,王守宝。
