
李平平,博士,研究员,博士生导师。2015年获得协和学者特聘教授称号; 2016年入选国家自然基金委优秀青年;2017年入选求是杰出青年科学家。2018年入选北京高校“卓越青年”科学家,2020年获得第七届“树兰医学奖”。现任中国医学科学院代谢紊乱和肿瘤发生相关机制和靶点发现重点实验室主任,中国医学科学院北京协和医学院学术委员会委员,中国药学会青年委员会委员,北京市侨联青年委员会委员,北京生理科学会理事,中国医学科学院青年科学家联盟理事,卫生健康青年创新中心第一届青年导师团导师,《药学学报》和《Metabolism Open》 编委。累计发表SCI论文50余篇,引用5000余次。主要研究工作 (通讯作者或第一作者)发表在Cell(3篇)、Nature Medicine、Cell Metabolism、PNAS 和Diabetes 等期刊。


1. Negative Association between Caloric Intake and Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate in a Chinese Population: Mediation Models Involving Mitochondrial Function. Chifa Ma , Shuli He , Pingping Li , Huabing Zhang , Wei Li , Yuxiu Li. Gerontology. 2020;66(5):439-446.
2. Relationship between Decreased Serum Superoxide Dismutase Activity and Metabolic Syndrome: Synergistic Mediating Role of Insulin Resistance and β-Cell Dysfunction. Yiwen Liu , Chifa Ma, Lu Lv , Pingping Li , Chunxiao Ma , Shuli He, Jingbo Zeng , Fan Ping , Huabing Zhang , Wei Li , Lingling Xu , Yuxiu Li. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2020:5384909.
3. Leukocyte Telomere Length Independently Predicts 3-Year Diabetes Risk in a Longitudinal Study of Chinese Population. Yiwen Liu, Chifa Ma , Pingping Li , Chunxiao Ma , Shuli He , Fan Ping, Huabing Zhang , Wei Li , Lingling Xu , Yuxiu Li. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2020:9256107.
4. Hepatic DNAJB9 Drives Anabolic Biasing to Reduce Steatosis and Obesity. Fangfang Sun, Yilie Liao, Xingfan Qu, Xia Xiao, Shaocong Hou, Zheqin Chen, Haipeng Huang, Pingping Li, and Suneng Fu. Cell Reports 2020; 30: 1835–1847.
5. Targeting Degradation of the Transcription Factor C/EBPbeta Reduces Lung Fibrosis by Restoring Activity of the Ubiquitin-Editing Enzyme A20 in Macrophages. Liu, S. S., Lv, X. X., Liu, C., Qi, J., Li, Y. X., Wei, X. P., Li, K., Hua, F., Cui, B., Zhang, X. W., Yu, J. J., Yu, J. M., Wang, F., Shang, S., Zhao, C. X., Hou, X. Y., Yao, Z. G., Li, P. P., Li, X., Huang, B., and Hu, Z. W. Immunity 2019; 51, 522-534 e527.
6. Intestinal lysozyme liberates Nod1 ligands from microbes to direct insulin trafficking in pancreatic beta cells. Zhang, Q., Pan, Y., Zeng, B., Zheng, X., Wang, H., Shen, X., Li, H., Jiang, Q., Zhao, J., Meng, Z. X., Li, P., Chen, Z., Wei, H., and Liu, Z. Cell Res 2019, 29, 516-532.
7. TRIB3 supports breast cancer stemness by suppressing FOXO1 degradation and enhancing SOX2 transcription. Yu JM, Sun W, Wang ZH, Liang X, Hua F, Li K, Lv XX, Zhang XW, Liu YY, Yu JJ, Liu SS, Shang S, Wang F, Yang ZN, Zhao CX, Hou XY, Li PP, Huang B, Cui B, Hu ZW. Nat Commun. 2019 Dec 16;10(1):5720.
8. Chronic fractalkine administration improves glucose tolerance and pancreatic endocrine function. Riopel, M., Seo, J.B., Bandyopadhyay, G.K., Li, P., Wollam, J., Chung, H., Jung, S.R., Murphy, A., Wilson, M., de Jong, R., et al. J Clin Invest 2018, 128, 1458-1470.
9. 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 protects obese rats from metabolic syndrome via promoting regulatory T cell-mediated resolution of inflammation. Jin W, Cui B, Li PP, Hua F, Lv XX, Zhou JC, Hu ZW, Zhang XW, Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B 2018; 8(2):178-187.
10. Inflammation and insulin resistance: New targets encourage new thinking: Galectin-3 and LTB4 are pro-inflammatory molecules that can be targeted to restore insulin sensitivity. Johnson, A. M. F., Hou, S., and Li, P. Bioessays 2017 39 (9) PMID: 28752547
11. Adipose Tissue Macrophage-Derived Exosomal miRNAs Can Modulate In Vivo and In Vitro Insulin Sensitivity. Ying, W., Riopel, M., Bandyopadhyay, G., Dong, Y., Birmingham, A., Seo, J. B., Ofrecio, J. M., Wollam, J., Hernandez-Carretero, A., Fu, W., Li, P., and Olefsky, J. M. Cell 2017.
12. Regulation of immune-related diseases by multiple factors: a meeting report of 2017 International Workshop of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Initiative for Innovative Medicine on Tumor Immunology. Cui B*, Cao XT, Zou WP, Wan YH, Wang N, Wang YH, Li PP, Hua F, Liu YY, Zhang XW, Li K, Lv XX, Huang B#, Hu ZW#. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B 2017;7(4):532-540.
13. Adipose tissue B2 cells promote insulin resistance through leukotriene LTB4/LTB4R1 signaling. Ying, W., Wollam, J., Ofrecio, J. M., Bandyopadhyay, G., El Ouarrat, D., Lee, Y. S., Oh, D. Y., Li, P., Osborn, O., and Olefsky, J. M. J Clin Invest 2017 127, 1019-1030 PMID: 28192375
14. HDAC6-mediated acetylation of lipid droplet-binding protein CIDEC regulates fat-induced lipid storage. Qian, H., Chen, Y., Nian, Z., Su, L., Yu, H., Chen, F. J., Zhang, X., Xu, W., Zhou, L., Liu, J., Yu, J., Yu, L., Gao, Y., Zhang, H., Zhang, H., Zhao, S., Yu, L., Xiao, R. P., Bao, Y., Hou, S., Li, P., Li, J., Deng, H., Jia, W., and Li, P. J Clin Invest 2017 127, 1353-1369 PMID:28287402
15. Hematopoietic-derived Galectin-3 Causes Cellular and Systemic Insulin Resistance. Li PP*, Liu SN, Lu M, Bandyopadhyay G, Oh D, Imamura T, Johnson, A.M.F., Sears D, Shen ZF, Cui B, Kong LJ, Hou SC, Liang X, Iovino S, Watkins SM, Ying W, Osborn O, Wollam J, Brenner M, Olefsky JM*. Cell 2016. 167(4):973-984.e12 (Lead Contact, * co-corresponding author) PMID: 27814523
16. p75 Neurotrophin Receptor Regulates Energy Balance in Obesity. Baeza-Raja, B., Sachs, B. D., Li, P., Christian, F., Vagena, E., Davalos, D., Le Moan, N., Ryu, J. K., Sikorski, S. L., Chan, J. P., Scadeng, M., Taylor, S. S., Houslay, M. D., Baillie, G. S., Saltiel, A. R., Olefsky, J. M., and Akassoglou, K. Cell reports 2016 14, 255-268. PMID: 26748707
17. The role of dietary fat in obesity-induced insulin resistance. Lackey DE, Lazaro RG, Li P, Johnson A, Hernandez-Carretero A, Weber N, Vorobyova I, Tsukomoto H, and Osborn O. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2016;311(6):E989-E97. PMID: 27802965
18. LTB4promotes insulin resistance in obese mice by acting on macrophages, hepatocytesand myocytes. Li P*, Oh DY, Bandyopadhyay G, Lagakos WS, Talukdar S, Osborn O, Johnson A,Chung H, Mayoral R, Maris M, Ofrecio JM, Taguchi S, Lu M, Olefsky JM*. Nat Med. 2015; 21(3): 239-47. (* co-corresponding author) PMID: 25706874.
19. FGF21 does not require interscapular brown adipose tissue and improves liver metabolic profile in animal models of obesity and insulin-resistance. Bernardo, B., Lu, M., Bandyopadhyay, G., Li, P., Zhou, Y., Huang, J., Levin, N., Tomas, E. M., Calle, R. A., Erion, D. M., Rolph, T. P., Brenner, M., and Talukdar, S. Scientific reports 2015 5, 11382. PMID: 26153793
20. Adipocyte SIRT1 knockout promotes PPARgamma activity, adipogenesis and insulin sensitivity in chronic-HFD and obesity. Mayoral, R., Osborn, O., McNelis, J., Johnson, A. M., Oh da, Y., Izquierdo, C. L., Chung, H., Li, P., Traves, P. G., Bandyopadhyay, G., Pessentheiner, A. R., Ofrecio, J. M., Cook, J. R., Qiang, L., Accili, D., and Olefsky, J. M. Molecular metabolism 2015, 4, 378-391. PMID: 25973386
21. Characterization of a novel glucokinase activator in rat and mouse models. Lu, M., Li, P., Bandyopadhyay, G., Lagakos, W., Dewolf, W. E., Jr., Alford, T., Chicarelli, M. J., Williams, L., Anderson, D. A., Baer, B. R., McVean, M., Conn, M., Veniant, M. M., and Coward, P. PloS one 2014, 9, e88431. PMID: 24533087
22. NCoR Repression of LXRs Restricts Macrophage Biosynthesis of Insulin-Sensitizing Omega 3 Fatty Acids. Li, P. *, Spann, N.*, Kaikkonen, M., Lu, M., Oh, D., Fox, J., Bandyopadhyay, G., Talukdar, S., Xu, J., Lagakos, W., Patsouris, D., Armando, A., Quehenberger, O., Dennis, E., Watkins, S., Auwerx, J., Glass, C., Olefsky, J. Cell 2013; 155, 200-214. (* co-first author) PMID: 24074869
23. Neuronal sirt1 deficiency increases insulin sensitivity in both brain and peripheral tissues. Lu, M., Sarruf, D.A., Li, P., Osborn, O., Sanchez-Alavez, M., Talukdar, S., Chen, A., Bandyopadhyay, G., Xu, J., Morinaga, H., et al. The Journal of biological chemistry 2013, 288, 10722-10735. PMID: 23457303
24. An inhibitor of the protein kinases TBK1 and IKK-ɛ improves obesity-related metabolic dysfunctions in mice. Reilly, S. M., Chiang, S. H., Decker, S. J., Chang, L., Uhm, M., Larsen, M. J., Rubin, J. R., Mowers, J., White, N. M., Hochberg, I., Downes, M., Yu, R. T., Liddle, C., Evans, R. M., Oh, D., Li, P., Olefsky, J. M., and Saltiel, A. R. Nature medicine 2013,19, 313-321. PMID: 23396211
25. p75 neurotrophin receptor regulates glucose homeostasis and insulin sensitivity. Baeza-Raja B, Li PP*, D. Sachs B, Davalos D, Eirini Vagena, Schachtrup C, Loucks FA, Sikorski S, Helmrick M, Le Moan N, Bridges D, Tsigelny I, Baron LJ, Wynshaw-Boris. Anthony , Miriam Scadeng, Saltiel AR, Olefsky JM, Akassoglou K .Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2012; 109(15):5838-43 (* co-first author) PMID: 22460790
26. Adipocyte NCoR knockout decreases PPARgamma phosphorylation and enhances PPARgamma activity and insulin sensitivity. Li PP*, Fan W, Xu J, Lu M, Yamamoto H, Auwerx J, Sears DD, Talukdar S, Oh D, Chen A, Bandyopadhyay G, Scadeng M, Ofrecio JM, Nalbandian S, Olefsky JM. Cell 2011;147:815-826. PMID: 22078880
27. Functional heterogeneity of CD11c-positive adipose tissue macrophages in diet-induced obese mice. Li PP*, Lu M, Nguyen MT, Bae EJ, Chapman J, Feng D, Hawkins M, Pessin JE, Sears DD, Nguyen AK, Amidi A, Watkins SM, Nguyen U, Olefsky JM. J Biol Chem 2010;285:15333-15345. PMID: 20308074
28. Inducible nitric oxide synthase deficiency in myeloid cells does not prevent diet-induced insulin resistance. Lu M, Li PP*, Pferdekamper J, Fan W, Saberi M, Schenk S, Olefsky JM. Mol Endocrinol 2010;24:1413-1422. (* co-first author). PMID: 20444886

1.庾石山,陈晓光,石建功,刘云宝,胡卓伟,尹大力,刘玉玲,胡友财,李平平等. 精准医学出版工程·精准医学药物研发系列-天然药物精准研发

1. 乳香酸类化合物作为 LTB4 受体抑制剂的用途。发明人:吉腾飞,李平平,马春晓,王佳佳,崔冰,万彦军,李鹤,王洪建。申请号:202110277275.X。申请日:2021年03月15日。
2. 穿心莲内酯作为LTB4受体抑制剂的医药用途。发明人:吉腾飞,李平平,万彦军,崔冰,赵其锦,王洪建,王佳佳。申请号:202110275769.4。申请日:2021年03月15日。
3. 李平平,吉腾飞,马春晓,崔冰,柳星峰,朱婷婷,王洪建。穿心莲新苷作为 LTB4 受体抑制剂的医药用途。申请号:202110277253.3.,申请日:2021年3月15日。
4. 李平平,吉腾飞,崔冰,王洪建,万彦军,孔丽娟,赵其锦,王佳佳。竹红菌素类化合物作为LTB4 受体抑制剂的医药用途。申请号:202110277386.8,申请日:2021年3月15日。
5. 肠道上皮细胞核受体抑制子NCoR作为靶标在治疗肥胖和糖尿病药物或生物制剂中的应用。发明人:李平平,侯少聪,于恒彩,崔冰,柳星峰,姜茜,孔丽娟,马春晓,赵其锦。申请号:202011436116.1。申请日:2020年12月10日。
6. FMO3作为靶标在筛选防治胰岛功能损伤药物或模型中的应用。发明人:李平平,孔丽娟,赵其锦,姜茜,崔冰,柳星峰,马春晓,侯少聪。中国专利,申请号:202010883988.6。申请日:2020年8月28日。
7. Galectin-3作为靶标在寻找保护胰岛功能药物或者生物制剂中的应用。发明人:李平平,姜茜,崔冰,赵其锦,柳星峰,马春晓,王树森,孔丽娟,侯少聪。申请号:202010292382.5。申请日2020年4月14日。
8. 用于人Galectin-3含量检测的ELISA荧光检测试剂盒。发明人:李平平,马春晓,柳星峰,崔冰,姜茜,孔丽娟,侯少聪。申请号:202010188662.1。申请日:2020年3月17日。
9. EphB4作为靶标在筛选增加胰岛素敏感性药物或模型中的应用。发明人:李平平,柳星峰,崔冰,王凯,陈婧文,侯少聪,孔丽娟,姜茜,马春晓。中国专利,申请号:202010188663.6。申请日:2020年3月17日。

