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职 称:研究员






王朝辉,研究员,博士生导师。2012年毕业于北京大学,获药剂学博士学位。2012年7月-2020年8月先后在美国普渡大学、德克萨斯大学西南医学中心从事科学研究工作。2020年10月作为“高层次引进人才”入职中国医学科院-北京协和医学院bobapp官方中国有限公司 ,任研究员、课题组长。
主要从事生物大分子递送系统的研究和开发,迄今发表学术论文30余篇,包括以第一(含共同)作者和通讯作者发表于Nature Nanotechnology、Angewandte Chemie International Edition、Advanced Materials、ACS Nano、Biomaterial等著名期刊;其中1篇入选ESI高被引论文,多篇论文被媒体和杂志作为研究亮点报道或入选TOP 25 Hottest Papers,在学界引起了广泛影响。应邀撰写英文专著章节1章。美国及PCT专利申请6项,授权1项。积极推动研究成果的临床转化,开发的疫苗平台已转让OncoNano Medicine, Inc(ONM-500),获得1540万美元的基金资助其临床研究,受邀担任技术顾问。参与开发的肿瘤实时成像探针(ONM-100)已进入临床II期,并获得美国FDA的快速通道审评。


1. 智能药物输送系统的研究
2. 生物大分子递送系统的研究
3. 肿瘤联合免疫治疗


1. Liang S, Yao J, Liu D, Rao L*, Chen X*, Wang Z*. Harnessing Nanomaterials for Cancer Sonodynamic Immunotherapy. Advanced Materials. 2023, e2211130.
2. Zhou M, Liang S, Liu D, Ma K, Peng Y, Wang Z*. Engineered Nanoprobes for Immune Activation Monitoring. ACS Nano. 2022, 16, 19940-19958.
3. Luo M*, Wang H*, Wang Z*, et al. A STING-activating nanovaccine for cancer immunotherapy. Nature Nanotechnology. 2017, 12, 648-654. (*Co-first author, Equal contribution).
4. Wang Z*, Luo M*, Mao C, et al. A redox-activatable fluorescent sensor for the high-throughput quantification of cytosolic delivery of macromolecules. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2017, 129, 1339-1343.
5. Aroh C*, Wang Z*, Dobbs N, et al. Innate immune activation by cGAMP-PC7A nanoparticles leads to potent and long-acting antiretroviral response against HIV-1. Journal of Immunology. 2017, 199, 3840-3848. (*Co-first author)
6. Wang Z, Yu Y, Dai W, et al. A specific peptide ligand-modified lipid nanoparticle carrier for the inhibition of tumor metastasis growth. Biomaterials. 2013, 34, 756-764.
7. Wang Z, Yu Y, Ma J, et al. LyP-1 modification to enhance delivery of artemisinin or fluorescent probe loaded polymeric micelles to highly metastatic tumor and its lymphatics. Molecular Pharmaceutics. 2012, 9, 2646-2657.
8. Wang Z, Yu Y, Dai W, Lu J, Cui J, Wu H, Yuan L, Zhang H, Wang X, Wang J, Zhang X, Zhang Q. The use of a tumor metastasis targeting peptide to deliver doxorubicin-containing liposomes to highly metastatic cancer. Biomaterials. 2012, 33, 8451-8460.
9. Wang Z, Wang Z, Sun C, et al. Trimethylated chitosan-conjugated PLGA nanoparticles for the delivery of drugs to the brain. Biomaterials. 2010, 31, 908-915.


1. Stimuli-responsive and triggered drug delivery systems. Wang Z, Zhang X, Huang G, and Gao J. Edited by Amiji M and Singh A. The Royal Society of Chemistry, Pages 51-82. Print ISBN: 978-1-78801-113-6.


1. STING activating nanovaccine for immunotherapy. 美国及PCT专利. (UTSD.P3022US.P1、PCT/US2017/020451). 申请日:2016-03-02


1. 2010.辽宁省自然科学奖论文类一等奖. 王思玲、王占友、孙长山、王朝辉. 辽宁省
