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朱平,男, 博士生导师。室主任、本所国重室副主任、中国菌物学会副理事长、《药学学报》和《菌物学报》编委等。在Nature Communications、Green Chemistry (封底图片)、Molecular & Cellular Proteomics (封面图片)、Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B、Fungal Diversity等国际知名期刊发表多篇SCI论文。累计授权8项中国专利和10项国际专利。参编著作6部。获得2011年中国药学会科学技术三等奖和“2020年度北京协和医学院优秀教师”称号。培养的博士研究生中分别有1名荣获“2018年度北京协和医学院优秀博士学位论文”和1名荣获“2019年度北京市普通高等学校优秀毕业生”称号。合作发现3ʹ-脱氧腺苷的降血脂功能及其作为AMPK激动剂的作用机制,本所科技人员以此为先导物,已研制出新型降血脂药物;麦角生物碱的研究为相关企业提供了技术支撑。


1) 药用天然产物生物合成基因的挖掘与酶的表征、生物合成途径解析及微生物系统中的途径重构研究;
2) 药用真菌、动植物内共生菌活性代谢产物的发现、生产与创新药物研究。


1. Construction of acetyl-CoA and DBAT hybrid metabolic pathway for acetylation of 10- deacetylbaccatin III to baccatin III. Hao Wang, Bo-Yong Zhang, Ting Gong, Tian-Jiao Chen, Jing-Jing Chen, Jin-Ling Yang, Ping Zhu*. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsb.2021.03.029 (IF=11.413)
2. De novo transcriptome sequencing of Rhododendron molle and identification of genes involved in the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites. Guo-Lin Zhou, Ping Zhu*. BMC Plant Biology, 2020, 20(1), 414. (IF=4.215)
3. Structures of β-glycosidase LXYL-P1-2 reveals the product binding state of GH3 family and a specific pocket for Taxol recognition. Lin Yang#, Tian-Jiao Chen#, Fen Wang Li Li, Wen-Bo Yu, Yi-Kang Si, Jing-Jing Chen, Wan-Cang Liu, Ping Zhu*, Weimin Gong *. Communications Biology, 2020, 3(1), 22. (IF=6.268)
4. High-level soluble expression of human Cu, Zn superoxide dismutase with high activity in Escherichia coli. Jin-Ling Yang, Xing-Lun Li, Feng-Lin Jiang, Ting Gong, Jing-Jing Chen, Tian-Jiao Chen, Ping Zhu*. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechmology, 2020, 36, 106.(IF=2.477)
5. Construction and optimization of microbial cell factories for the sustainable production of bioactive dammarenediol-II glucosides. Zong-Feng Hu#, An-Di Gu#, Lan Liang, Yan Li, Ting Gong, Jing-Jing Chen, Tian-Jiao Chen, Jin-Ling Yang*, Ping Zhu*. Green Chemistry, 2019, 219(12): 3286-3299. (back cover image of the present Issue) (IF=9.480)
6. Fed-batch high-cell-density fermentation strategies for Pichia pastoris growth and production. Liu WC, Inwood S, Gong T, Sharma A, Yu LY*, Ping Zhu*. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 2019, 39(2): 258-271. (IF=8.108)
7. Combinatorial mutation on the β-glycosidase specific to 7-β-xylosyltaxanes and increasing the mutated enzyme production by engineering the recombinant yeast. Jing-Jing Chen, Xiao Liang, Fen Wang, Yan-Hua Wen, Tian-Jiao Chen, Wan-Cang Liu, Ting Gong, Jin-Ling Yang, Ping Zhu*. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B, 2019, 9(3):626-638. (IF=7.097)
8. Advances in targeting and heterologous expression of genes involved in the synthesis of fungal secondary metabolites. Yun-Ming Qiao, Rui-Lin Yu, Ping Zhu*. RSC Advances, 2019, 9, 35124–35134. (IF=3.119)
9. Epigenetic modification enhances ergot alkaloid production of Claviceps purpurea. Jing-Jing Chen, Meng-Yao Han, Ting Gong, Yun-Ming Qiao, Jin-Ling Yang, Ping Zhu*. Biotechnology Letters, 2019, 41,1439–1449. (IF=1.977)
10. Site-Directed Mutagenesis of bata-Glycoside Hydrolase from Lentinula edodes. Jing-Jing Chen, Xiao Liang, Tian-Jiao Chen, Jin-Ling Yang and Ping Zhu*. Molecules, 2019, 24, 59 (IF=3.267)
11. Tetrocarcin Q, a new spirotetronate with a unique glycosyl group from a marine-derived actinomycete Micromonospora carbonacea LS276. Ting Gong, Xin Zhen, Xing-Lun Li, Jing-Jing Chen, Tian-Jiao Chen, Jin-Ling Yang, Ping Zhu*. Marine Drugs, 2018, 16, 74. (IF=4.379)
12. Chrysoxanthones A–C, three new xanthone–chromanone heterdimers from sponge-associated Penicillium chrysogenum HLS111 treated with histone deacetylase inhibitor. Xin Zhen#, Ting Gong#, Yan-Hua Wen, Dao-Jiang Yan, Jing-Jing Chen, Ping Zhu*. Marine Drugs, 2018, 16, 357. (IF=4.379)
13. Improving 10-deacetylbaccatin III-10-β-Oacetyltransferase catalytic fitness for Taxol production. Bing-Juan Li, Hao Wang, Ting Gong, Jing-Jing Chen, Tian-Jiao Chen, Jin-Ling Yang, Ping Zhu*. Nature Communication, 2017, 8, 15544. (IF=12.353)
14. Cloning and characterization of the glycoside hydrolases that remove xylosyl group from 7-β-xylosyl-10-deacetyltaxol and its analogues. Hai-Li Cheng, Rui-Yu Zhao, Tian-Jiao Chen, Wen-Bo Yu, Fen Wang, Ke-Di Cheng, Ping Zhu*. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 2013, 12(8):2236-2248. (Cover Image and Highlight from this Issue) (IF=7.254)
15. Phylogenetic diversity of culturable fungi associated with two marine sponges: Haliclona simulans and Gelliodes carnosa, collected from the Hainan Island coastal waters of the South China Sea. Wen-Chao Liu, Chang-Qing Li, Ping Zhu*. Jin-Ling Yang, Ke-Di Cheng. Fungal Diversity, 2010, 42:1-15. (IF=5.074)


1. Exploring alternative Taxol sources: biocatalysis of 7-β-xylosyl-10-deacetyltaxol and application for Taxol production(Chapter 2). In: Pharmaceutical Biocatalysis. 主编: Peter Grunwald. 参编: Wan-Cang Liu, Bing-Juan Li, Ting Gong, Ping Zhu. Pan Stanford Publishing Pte Ltd. Jenny Stanford Publishing. ISBN 9789814877145. 2020.
2. Demonstration-scale high-cell-density fermentation of Pichia pastoris. In: Recombinant Glycoprotein Production: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology. vol.1674. DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-7312-5_9,109-116. 主编: Virgínia Picanco-Castro, Kamilla Swiech. 参编: Wan-Cang Liu, Ping Zhu. Springer Science+Business Media LLC. 2018.
3. 蕈菌毒素(第五章). pp.67-83; 麦角生物碱(第十六章). pp.264-285.《中国食用药用真菌化学》主编: 陈若芸. 副主编: 康洁. 参编: 巩婷, 朱平, 陈晶晶, 王维波. 上海科学技术文献出版社. 2016年3月第I版.
4. Medicinal Fungal Research in China. In: McGraw-Hill Year Book of Science & Technology 2011. pp.188-191. 主编: David Blumel, et al. 参编: Ping Zhu and Hua-An Wen. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2011.
5. Biotechnological Studies on Anisodus tanguticus. In: Recent Pregress in Medicinal Plants. Volume 16 Phytomedicines. pp.9-32. 主编: Govil JN, Singh VK, Bhardwaj R. 参编: CHENG Kedi, LIU Tao, MENG Cao and ZHU Ping. Studium Press LLC, USA. 2006.
6. 天然产物生物合成及其方法(第七章). 麦角生物碱生物合成的研究(第三节). pp214-226; 后基因组时代与天然药物化学紫杉烷类化合物生物合成研究(第四节). pp.227-244.《天然药物化学研究》主编: 方起程. 参编: 朱平, 胡晨曦, 程克棣, 王伟. 中国协和医科大学出版社. 2006年9月第I版.


1. 具有β-木糖苷酶和β-葡萄糖苷酶双重活性的糖基水解酶突变体及其应用. 朱平,梁潇,王芬,李慧仙,陈天娇. ZL2016 1 0141218.8(中国,授权日2020.3.14).
2. 稀有人参皂苷在治疗肝癌中的用途. 杨金玲,朱平,李燕,巩婷,唐梅,顾安頔,姜逢霖. 申请号: 202010258463.3 (中国, 申请日2020.4.3).
3. 稀有人参皂苷在治疗肾癌中的用途. 李燕,杨金玲,朱平,唐梅,顾安頔. 申请号: 202011129395.7(中国,申请日2020.10.21) .
4. 3β-O-Glc-DM和20S-O-Glc-DM治疗肺癌或结直肠癌的用途. 杨金玲,朱平,李燕,陈天娇,顾安頔,杜倩倩. 申请号: PCT/CN2019/109019 (国际, 申请日2019.9.29).
5. 生产稀有人参皂苷20S-O-Glc-DM的重组菌及其应用. 杨金玲,朱平,胡宗风,顾安頔,姜逢霖,巩婷,陈晶晶. 申请号: 201910063187.2(中国, 申请日2019.1.23).
6. 非天然人参皂苷 3β-O-Glc-DM 治疗脑瘤的用途. 杨金玲,朱平,李燕,姜逢霖,杜倩倩,唐梅. 申请号: 201910403991.0 (中国, 申请日2019.5.15).
7. 3β-O-Glc-DM和20S-O-Glc-DM治疗肺癌或结直肠癌的用途. 杨金玲,朱平,李燕,陈天娇,顾安頔,杜倩倩. 申请号: 201811151561.6(中国, 申请日2018.9.29).
8. 生产达玛烯二醇-II糖苷的重组菌及其应用. 杨金玲,朱平,李燕,胡宗风,顾安頔,姜逢霖,巩婷,黄璐璐. 申请号: 201811614170.3(中国, 申请日2018.12.27).
9. 10-去乙酰巴卡亭III 10β-O-乙酰转移酶突变体及其在催化合成紫杉醇及其类似物中的应用. 朱平,李炳娟,王豪,陈天娇,陈晶晶,巩婷,杨金玲. 申请号: 201610346558.4 (中国, 申请日2016-5-24).
10. 3′-脱氧腺苷减肥、胰岛素增敏和改善脂代谢的用途. 叶菲,朱海波,朱平. 专利号:ZL200810106024.X(中国,授权日2016.1.20).
11. 硫代吗啉类化合物及其制备方法和用途. 黄海洪,申竹芳,韩蓓,环奕,尹大力,林紫云,李鹏,吴琪,胡晨曦,刘景龙,朱平.专利号: ZL201010515933.6(中国, 授权日2016.6.1).
12. 一种7-木糖紫杉烷糖基水解酶、其基因的核苷酸序列及其应用. 朱平, 程海立, 赵瑞玉, 程克棣, 何惠霞, 孟超, 朱慧新. 专利号:ZL201010209089.4(中国, 授权日2015.3.11).
13. 具有β-木糖苷酶和β-葡萄糖苷酶活性的糖基水解酶及其应用(Glycosyl hydrolase with β-xyloside and beta-glucosidase activities and uses thereof). 朱平, 程海立, 赵瑞玉, 程克棣, 何惠霞, 孟超, 朱慧新. 专利号: ZL 2011 8 0031238.5 (中国,授权日2014.12.10); US 9206405B2(授权日2015.12.8); JP 5868395B2(授权日2016.1.15); KR 10-1830131(韩国, 授权日2018.7.25); EP 2586860(欧洲,授权日2018.7.25生效国: 德国、法国、英国); CA 2804879(加拿大,授权日2021.3.2).
14. 生产紫穗槐-4,11-二烯和青蒿酸的方法. 朱平, 王伟, 孔建强, 戴均贵, 程克棣, 王丽娜, 郑晓东. 专利号: ZL200710187922 (中国,授权日2012.7.18).
15. 三乙酰基-3-羟基苯基腺苷及其调血脂的用途(Triacetyl-3-hydroxyphenyladenosine and its use for regulating blood fat). 朱海波,吴松,郝玲花,渠凯,朱平,王星,李薇. 专利号: ZL 200980101131.6(中国,授权日2012.1.25); US 8435962 B2(美国, 授权日2013.5.7); EP 2407474B1 (欧洲专利,授权日2013.8.14); KR 10-1380140 (韩国,授权日2014.3.26);JP 5698682(日本,授权日2015.2.20); IL 215080(以色列,授权日2014.7.31).
16. 3′-脱氧腺苷在制备降血脂药物中的应用. 朱平,朱海波,朱慧新,张岭,何惠霞,王全,程克棣,石建功,杨永春. 专利号: ZL 200310101650.7(中国,授权日2006.5.17).


1. 2020. 北京协和医学院优秀教师奖. 朱平. 北京协和医学院.
2. 2011. 稀有天然药物生物合成与合成生物学研究. 程克棣,朱平,孔建强,王伟,涂珺,刘涛,袁玮,刘颖,张利平. 中国药学会科学技术奖. 三等奖.
