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职 称:研究员






马双刚,博士,研究员,博士生导师。1999年本科毕业于沈阳药科大学,2004年获沈阳药科大学药物化学专业硕士学位,2008年获北京协和医学院药物化学专业博士学位。同年8月至今在bobapp官方中国有限公司 天然药物化学研究室工作。
先后承担教育部新教师基金课题、医科院药物所基本科研基金—科研重点与团队建设专项,国家自然基金面上项目、国家重点研发课题等科研项目。在Signal Transduct. Target. Ther., Chem. Sci., Org. Lett., J. Org. Chem., J. Nat. Prod., Bioorg. Chem., Phytochemistry等国际期刊上发表SCI论文70余篇;获得中国授权专利14项,其中2项专利获得美国、欧盟、日本等国授权; 获得国家、省部级奖励5项,其中国家科技进步二等奖1项 (2014-J-234-2-01-R09)、北京市科技进步奖一等奖2项(2020-J08-1-01-R06,2013中-1-001-09)、教育部自然科学一等奖1项(2010-38)。参编专著2部。


1. 天然药物活性物质的发现与化学研究
2. 复杂结构活性天然产物的合成与结构简化
3. 基于中药和天然药物有效部位的创新药物研究与开发


1. seco-Sesquiterpenes and acorane-type sesquiterpenes with antiviral activity from the twigs and leaves of Illicium henryi Diels. Jin-Yao Yong#, Mi Li#, Wen-Rui Li#, Rong-Mei Gao, Guo-Zhu Su, Hai-Qiang Wang, Jia Yang, Li Li, Yu-Huan Li, Peter Scott, Ru-Bing Wang*, Xiao-Jing Wang*, Shuang-Gang Ma*. Bioorg. Chem. 2023, 131, 106324.
2. Bergamotane-type sesquiterpenes from the leaves and twigs of Illicium oligandrum and their anti-inflammatory activities, Wen-Rui Li#, Jia-Ying Zhao#, Mi Li, Xiao-Jing Wang, Guo-Zhu Su, Hai-Qiang Wang, Guan-Hua Du, Li Li*, Ru-Bing Wang*, Shuang-Gang Ma*, Phytochemistry, 2023, 209, 113617.
3. A heme-activatable probe and its application in the high-throughput screening of Plasmodium falciparum ring-stage inhibitors. Sheng Liu#, Chunyan Wei#, Tian Liu#, Shuang-Gang Ma#, Chen Chen, Hao Lin, Lianhui Zhang, Heng Wang*, Chong-Jing Zhang*, Shi-Shan Yu*. Signal Transduct. Target. Ther. 2022, 7, 160.
4. Antiviral spirooliganones C and D with unique spiro[bicyclo[2.2.2]octane-2,2'-bicyclo[3.1.0]hexane] carbon skeletons from the roots of Illicium oligandrum. Shuang-Gang Ma#,*, Ru-Bing Wang#, Rong-Mei Gao, Xiao-Jing Wang, Yun-Bao Liu, Yong Li, Li Li, Yu-Huan Li, Jing Qu*, Shi-Shan Yu*. Chin. Chem. Lett. 2022, 33, 4248-4252.
5. Monoterpenoid indole alkaloids isolated from the stems and twigs of Strychnos cathayensis. Qi-Ming Pan, Yu-Huan Li, Jian-Jun Zhang, Yong Li, Shuang-Gang Ma*, Shi-Shan Yu*, Phytochemistry, 2022, 203, 113353.
6. Library construction of stereochemically diverse isomers of spirooliganin: their total synthesis and antiviral activity. Ru-Bing Wang#, Shuang-Gang Ma#,*, Cooper S. Jamieson#, Rong-Mei Gao, Yun-Bao Liu, Yong Li, Xiao-Jing Wang, Yu-Huan Li, Kendall N. Houk*, Jing Qu*, Shi-Shan Yu*. Chem. Sci. 2021, 12: 7003-7011.
7. Illihenin A, An Antiviral Sesquiterpenoid with a Cage-like Tricyclo[,5]dodecane Skeleton from Illicium henryi. Jin-Yao Yong#, Wen-Rui Li#, Xiao-jing Wang, Guo-Zhu Su, Mi Li, Jian-Pei Zhang, Hong-Li Jia, Yu-Huan Li, Ru-Bing Wang,* Maoluo Gan,* and Shuang-Gang Ma*. J. Org. Chem. 2021, 86, 2, 2017-2022.
8. Bioactive prenylated C6-C3 derivatives from the stems and leaves of Illicium fargesii. Guo-Zhu Su, Ru-Bing Wang, Yong Li, Li Li, Yun-Bao Liu, Jing Qu, Yu-Huan Li, Dan Zhang, De-Quan Yu, Shuang-Gang Ma*, Shi-Shan Yu*. Bioorg. Chem. 2021, 110, 104734.
9. Highly oxidized sesquiterpenes from the fruits of Illicium lanceolatum. Yang-Lan Liu#, Wen-Rui Li#, Xiao-Jing Wang, Ru-Bing Wang, Mi Li, Jian-Pei Zhang, Jing-Yao Yong, Xiu-Qi Bao, Dan Zhang, Shuang-Gang Ma*. Phytochemistry 2020, 172, 112281.
10. New hexalactone derivatives and a pair of new oxaspiro-carbon epimeric glycosides from the fruits of Illicium lanceolatum. Yang-Lan Liu#, Xiao-Jing Wang#, Ru-Bing Wang, Mi Li, Wen-Rui Li, Jian-Pei Zhang, Xiu-Qi Bao, Dan Zhang, Shuang-Gang Ma*. Bioorg. Chem. 2019, 91, 103113.
11. New C-2 diastereomers of flavanone glycosides conjugated with 3-hydroxy3-methylglutaric acid from the pericarp of Citrus grandis (L.) Osbeck. Shuang-Gang Ma#, Ru-Bing Wang#, Wen-Rui Li, Yun-Bao Liu, Jing Qu, Yong Li, Xiao-Jing Wang, Song Xu, Shi-Shan Yu*. Bioorg. Chem. 2018, 50, 519-524.
12. 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl flavone glycosides from the leaves of Turpinia arguta. Shuang-Gang Ma, Shao-Peng Yuan, Yun-Bao Liu, Jing Qu, Yong Li, Xiao-Jing Wang, Ru-Bing Wang, Song Xu, Qi Hou, Shi-Shan Yu*. Fitoterapia 2018, 124, 80-85.
13. Illisimonin A, a caged sesquiterpenoid with a new tricyclo[,6]decane skeleton from the fruits of Illicium simonsii. Shuang-Gang Ma#, Mi Li#, Min-Bao Lin, Li Li, Yun-Bao Liu, Jing Qu*, Yong Li, Xiao-Jing Wang, Ru-Bing Wang, Song Xu, Qi Hou, and Shi-Shan Yu*. Org. Lett. 2017, 19, 6160−6163.
14. Bioactive sesquiterpenoids from the roots of Artabotrys hexapetalus. Feng-Min Xi, Yun-Bao Liu, Jing Qu, Yong Li, Zhong-Hai Tang, Li Li, Yu-Huan Li, Xiao-Guang Chen, Shuang-Gang Ma*, and Shi-Shan Yu*. Tetrahedron 2017, 73, 571-582.
15. Antiviral spirotriscoumarins A and B: two pairs of oligomeric coumarin enantiomers with a spirodienone−sesquiterpene skeleton from Toddalia asiatica. Zhong-Hai Tang#, Yun-Bao Liu#, Shuang-Gang Ma#, Li Li, Yong Li, Jian-Dong Jiang, Jing Qu*, and Shi-Shan Yu*. Org. Lett. 2016, 18, 5146-5149.
16. Antiviral mono- and bis-prenylated C6-C3 derivatives from the roots of Illicium oligandrum. Shuang-Gang Ma, Ya Gao, Hui-Qiang Wang, Yun-Bao Liu, Jing Qu, Yong Li, Li Li, Song Xu, Hai-Ning Lv, Yu-Huan Li, and Shi-Shan Yu*. Tetrahedron 2016, 72, 3003-3013.
17. Artaboterpenoids A and B, bisabolene-derived sesquiterpenoids from Artabotrys hexapetalus. Feng-Min Xi, Shuang-Gang Ma, Yun-Bao Liu, Li Li, and Shi-Shan Yu*. Org. Lett. 2016, 18 (14), 3374–3377.
18. Total syntheses of (−)-spirooliganones A and B and their diastereoisomers: absolute stereochemistry and inhibitory activity against coxsackie virus B3. Nan Zhao, Xiao-Dong Ren, Jin-Hong Ren, Hai-Ning Lü, Shuang-Gang Ma, Rong-Mei Gao, Yu-Huan Li, Song Xu, Li Li, and Shi-Shan Yu*. Org. Lett. 2015, 17 (12), 3118–3121.
19. Total synthesis of illicidione A and illihendione A. Xiao-Dong Ren, Nan Zhao, Song Xu, Hai-Ning Lü, Shuang-Gang Ma, Yun-Bao Liu, Yong Li, Jing Qu, Shi-Shan Yu. Tetrahedron 2015, 71 (29), 4821-4829.
20. Diketopiperazines and sesquilignans from the branches and leaves of Claoxylon polot. Hong-Shun Gu, Shuang-Gang Ma*, Jing Qu, Yun-Bao Liu, and Shi-Shan Yu*. Planta Med. 2015, 81, 748-753.
21. Sesquiterpenes from the roots of Illicium oligandrum. Hai-Ning Lv, Shuang-Gang Ma*, Yun-Bao Liu, Jing Qu, Yong Li, Song Xu, Hua Zhu*, Shi-Shan Yu*. J. Asian Nat. Prod. Res. 2015, 17(5): 430-438.
22. Antiviral spirooliganones A and B with unprecedented skeletons from the roots of Illicium oligandrum. Shuang-Gang Ma, Rong-Mei Gao, Yu-Huan Li, Jian-Dong Jiang, Ning-Bo Gong, Li Li, Yang Lü, Wen-Zhao Tang, Yun-Bao Liu, Jing Qu, Hai-Ning Lü, Yong Li, and Shi-Shan Yu*. Org. Lett. 2013, 15(17), 4450-4453.
23. Prenylated C6-C3 compounds with molecular diversity from the roots of Illicium oligandrum. Shuang-Gang Ma, Wen-Zhao Tang, Yu-Xi Liu, You-Cai Hu, Shi-Shan Yu*, Yi Zhang, Xiao-Guang Chen, Jing Qu, Jin-Hong Ren, Yun-Bao Liu, Song Xu, Jing Liu, Yuan-Yan Liu, Yong Li, Hai-Ning Lü, and Xian-Fu Wu. Phytochemistry 2011, 72(1), 115-125.
24. Four new phenolic diglycosides from the roots of Illicium oligandrum. Shuang-Gang Ma#, Wen-Zhao Tang#, Shi-Shan Yu*, Xiao-Guang Chen, Yang Liu, Wen-Jie Wang, Jing Qu, Song Xu, Jin-Hong Ren, Yong Li, and Hai-Ning Lü. Carbohydr. Res. 2011, 346(9), 1165-1168.
25. Dimeric prenylated C6-C3 compounds from the stem bark of Illicium oligandrum. Wen-Zhao Tang#, Shuang-Gang Ma#, Jing Qu, Shi-Shan Yu*, Yun-Bao Liu, Dong-Min Su, and Jing Liu. J. Nat. Prod. 2011, 74(5), 1268-1271.
26. Cytotoxic triterpenoid saponins acylated with monoterpenic acid from Pithecellobium lucidum. Shuang-Gang Ma, You-Cai Hu, Shi-Shan Yu*, Yi Zhang, Xiao-Guang Chen, Jing Liu, and Yu-Xi Liu. J. Nat. Prod. 2008, 71(1), 41-46.
*corresponding author; #equal contribution


1. 《三萜化学》,庾石山主编,化学工业出版社,2008年10月。
2. 《高速发展的中国化学:1982—2012》,《高速发展的中国化学》编委会,科学出版社,2012年4月



1. 2014年,中草药微量活性物质识别与获取的关键技术及应用;庾石山,石建功,张东明,于德泉,陈晓光,张建军,王珂,申竹芳,马双刚,屈晶;国家科学技术进步奖,二等奖
2. 2020年,有毒中药活性成分研究与质量安全标准制定及应用;庾石山、张东明、张聿梅、陈晓光、李勇、马双刚、刘云宝、屈晶、侯琦、张丹;北京市科学技术奖,一等奖
3. 2013年,若干重要中草药中微量活性物质的研究;庾石山,石建功,张东明,于德泉,陈晓光,张建军,王珂,申竹芳,马双刚,林生,徐嵩,李勇,屈晶,吕海宁,李创军;北京市科学技术奖,一等奖
4. 2010年,中国若干有毒药用植物活性成分研究;庾石山,陈晓光,再帕尔·阿不力孜,王晓良,屈晶,马双刚,郜嵩,唐美军,刘悦,胡友财,苏东敏;教育部高等学校科技成果奖自然科学奖,一等奖
