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职 称:副研究员






兰嘉琦,女,1983年1月出生于内蒙古自治区包头市。bobapp官方下载 天然药药理学研究室彭英课题组副研究员。2005年本科毕业于清华大学生物系,2010年博士毕业于清华大学生命学院,方向为抗炎免疫药理学。2010-2014年以博士后身份在美国波士顿东北大学从事毒理学研究工作。2014年开始在bobapp官方中国有限公司 从事药理学研究工作,职称助研;2016年获得副研究员资格,2020年实聘副研究员。担任 Environmental Science & Technology,BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine等期刊审稿人, 中国药理学会抗衰老与老年痴呆专业委员会第一届青年委员会常务委员和中国药理学会精神神经药理学专业委员会青年委员,主持国自然青年项目和开放实验室课题,并参与国家自然科学基金、重大新药创制国家科技重大专项和中国医学科学院与健康科技创新工程等项目。




1. ALS-causing SOD1 mutants regulate occludin phosphorylation/ubiquitination and endocytic trafficking via the ITCH/Eps15/Rab5 axis. Jingshu Tang, Yuying Kang, Yujun Zhou, Xinnan Li, Jiaqi Lan, Lei Wu, Xinhong Feng, Ying Peng. Neurobiology of Disease. 2021
2. Molecular mechanisms of mitophagy and its roles in neurodegenerative diseases. Xinnan Li, Longjian Huang, Jiaqi Lan, Xinhong Feng, Pingping Li, Lei Wu, Ying Peng. Pharmacological Research. 2021
3. 抗焦虑障碍药物非临床药效学评价体系探索. 兰嘉琦,赵春阳,吴镭,冯新红,王庆利,彭英. 药学学报. 2021
4. L-3-n-Butylphthalide improves synaptic and dendritic spine plasticity and ameliorates neurite pathology in Alzheimer’s disease mouse model and cultured hippocampal neurons. Longjian Huang, Jiaqi Lan, Jingshu Tang, Yuying Kang, Xinhong Feng, Lei Wu,Ying Peng. Molecular Neurobiology. 2020
5. The MMP-2/TIMP-2 system in Alzheimer disease. Hongyue Wang, Longjian Huang, Lei Wu ,Jiaqi Lan, Xinhong Feng, Pingping Li,Ying Peng. CNS & Neurological Disorders-Drug Targets. 2020
6. Toxicity of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs): effect of lengths, functional groups and electronic structures revealed by a quantitative toxicogenomics assay. Tao Jiang, Carlo Alberto Amadei, Na Gou, Yishan Lin, Jiaqi Lan, Chad D. Vecits and April Z. Gu. Environmental Science: Nano. 2020
7. 抗阿尔茨海默病药物非临床药效学评价体系的探索. 黄龙舰,赵春阳,冯新红,兰嘉琦,唐婧姝,王庆利,彭英. 药学学报. 2020
8. Genotoxicity Assessment of Drinking Water Disinfection By-products (DBPs) by DNA Damage and Repair Pathway Profiling Analysis. Jiaqi Lan, Sheikh Mokhlesur Rahman, Na Gou, Tao Jiang, Micheal J. Plewa, Akram Alshawabkeh and April Z.Gu. Environmental science & technology. 2018
9. A quantitative toxicogenomics assay for high-throughput and mechanistic genotoxicity assessment and screening of environmental pollutants. Jiaqi Lan, Na Gou, Sheikh Mokhles Rahman, Ce Gao, Miao He, and April Z. Gu. Environmental science & technology. 2016
10. Toxicity Assessment of 4-Methyl-1-cyclohexanemethanol and Its Metabolites in Response to a Recent Chemical Spill in West Virginia, USA. Jiaqi Lan, Man Hu, Ce Gao, Akram Alshawabkeh, April Gu. Environmental Science & Technology. 2015
11. Comparative and Mechanistic Genotoxicity Assessment of Nanomaterials via A Quantitative Toxicogenomics Approach Across Multiple Species. Jiaqi Lan, Na Gou, Ce Gao, Miao He, April Gu. Environmental science & technology. 2014
12. Evaluation of cytotoxic, genotoxic and inflammatory responses of nanoparticles from photocopiers in three human cell lines. Madhu Khatri, Dhimiter Bello, Anoop K Pal, Joel M Cohen, Susan Woskie, Thomas Gassert, Jiaqi Lan, April Z Gu, Philip Demokritou and Peter Gaines. Particle and Fibre Toxicology. 2013
13. Genome-wide functional and stress response profiling reveals toxic mechanism and genes required for tolerance to benzo[a]pyrene in S. cerevisiae. Sean Timothy Francis O'Connor, Jiaqi Lan, Matthew North, Alexandre Loguinov, Luoping Zhang, Martyn T Smith, April Gu, Chris Vulpe. Frontiers in genetics. 2012
14. Developmental toxicity of orally administered pineapple leaf extract in rats. Jun Hu, Han Lin, Jia Shen, Jiaqi Lan, Chao Ma, Yunan Zhao, Fan Lei, Dongming Xing, Lijun Du. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 2011.
15. 巴西苏木红素对小鼠脑缺血中能量代谢的影响. 李慧颖,陈芸芸,雷帆,胡珺,兰嘉琦,柴玉爽,邢东明,杜力军. 中国中药杂志. 2010
16. 王玉刚,吴昊,孟甄,兰嘉琦,游雪甫,邢东明,杜力军. 中国药理学通报. 2009
17. Transport behavior of ellagic acid of pomegranate leaf tannins and its correlation with total cholesterol alteration in HepG2 cells. Jiaqi Lan, Fan Lei, Lei Hua, Yugang Wang, Dongming Xing, Lijun Du. Biomedical Chromatography. 2009
18. Determination of brazilein in rat plasma after intravenous administration by HPLC. Jiaqi Lan, Jun Hu, Bonan Li, Dongming Xing, Chengcheng Liu, Wei Wang, Lijun Du. Biomedical Chromatography. 2008
19. Cerebral Ischemia Reperfusion Exacerbates and Pueraria Flavonoids Attenuate Depressive Responses to Stress in Mice. Jiaqi Lan, Bin Yan, Yu’nan Zhao, Daoyi Wang, Jun Hu, Dongming Xing, Lijun Du. Tsinghua Science and Technology. 2008
20. 黄芩总黄酮对大鼠脑核团单胺类递质的影响. 兰嘉琦,张陆军,邢东明,吴昊,胡珺,杜力军. 中国药理学通报. 2007
21. Transport behavior and efflux of Rg1 in rat pulmonary epithelial cells. Zhen Meng, Hongyin Zhang, Yunan Zhao, Jiaqi Lan, Lijun Du. Biomedical Chromatography. 2007
22. Pharmacokinetic study of p-coumaric acid in mouse after oral administration of extract of Ananas comosus L. leaves. Zhen Meng, Wei Wang, Dongming Xing, Fan Lei, Jiaqi Lan, Lijun Du. Biomedical Chromatography. 2006.


实验动物与实验动物模型(药学实验室用书). 主编:杜力军,赵玉男;副主编:邢东明,雷帆,兰嘉琦,谢伟东. 中国医药科技出版社. 2012


含 5-取代四氢异喹啉的丙酸类化合物、其药物组合物和应用. bobapp官方下载 . 石泽玉,肖琼,彭英,张泳,兰嘉琦,扈金萍,胡民万,尹大力. 2020

